Légende des sources
📃 Étude
📙 Livre
🌐 Web
🎥 Vidéo
🎥Blob, Le. 2022. Wampum, histoire d’une diplomatie méconnue | Reportage.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42YJ4Gxhjoo.
📃contributors, Wikipedia. 2024. Fort Orange (New Netherland).” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Orange_(New_Netherland).
📙F. Taylor, Colin. 2003. Native american hunting and fighting skills. The Lyon Press.
📙Goddard, Ives, and Ted J. Brasser. 1975. Riding on the Frontier’s Crest: Mahican Indian Culture and Culture Change.” Ethnohistory 22 (2): 185. https://doi.org/10.2307/481647.
📙Noon, David Hoogland. 2014. From Homeland to New Land: A History of the Mahican Indians, 1600–1830 by William A. Starna.” New York History 95 (3): 511–13. https://doi.org/10.1353/nyh.2014.0024.
📃Wikimedia, Contributeurs aux projets. 2023. Hendrick Christiaensen.” https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendrick_Christiaensen.
🌐Mohican site internet https://www.mohican.com/.
🌐Groupe Wappinger (Wecquaesgeek, Sintsink...etc) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wappinger.
📃Scenes from the Mohawk Iroquois Village at the New York State Museumhttps://exhibitions.nysm.nysed.gov/iroquoisvillage/slideonea.html.
📃Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Villagehttps://www.nysm.nysed.gov/mohawk-haudenosaunee-village.
📙Wilson, James. 2022. La terre pleurera. Albin Michel.
🎥JYF MuseumsPrimed and Loaded | Matchlock Arquebus Rate of Fire.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9NOMrbYUf0 .